Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Icon Design Questionaire

Pixel Icon
Vector icon

Hey, greetings to all! Well, I'm required to get some respond on the usability and effectiveness of the icons I designed. I would be glad if you could spend some time and answer few of the question I prepared below. Thank you very much.
*Can you copy and paste all the questions and answer it for me in the comment box. Thanks again for doing this little favor for me.

1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
-----> Pixel / Vector

2. Do you understand all the icon set?
-----> Yes / No

3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
First Image: ------> Calls History / Contacts / Call / Missed Calls
Second Image: ---> Music / Gallery / Games / Composer
Third Image : ----> Games / Gallery / Photo / Camera

4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
First Image: ------> Contacts / Album / Gallery / Book
Second Image: ---> Picture / Camera / Album / Gallery
Third Image : ----> Playlist / Music / Composer / Games

5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
-----> Yes / No / [Suggestions]

6. Would you use these icon set?
-----> Yes / No [Would be glad if you could state the reasons as well, thanks]

7. How would you rate the pixel set?
-----> (5-Excellent, 4-Good, 3-Average, 2-Satisfactory, 1-Poor)

8. How would you rate the vector set?
-----> (5-Excellent, 4-Good, 3-Average, 2-Satisfactory, 1-Poor)

9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
-----> Yes / No

10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
-----> Comments and suggestions.


  1. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> No

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Music
    Third Image : ----> Photo

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Picture
    Third Image : ----> Music

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> No

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> No . Not significant enough~

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 3

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 3

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> Well, I personally dislike the colour combination of purple and orange. Uhm.. and the graphic is not direct enough.

  2. 1- vector
    5-yes, cool and warm color
    6-yes, cz easy to understand and they are cute, haha
    9-sure, rm20?
    10-how come u will use carrot, but not other food or objects huh? and i like the pixel set so much cz the carrots are fatty and cute. overall not bad =D

  3. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> Yes

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Call
    Second Image: ---> Composer
    Third Image : ----> Gallery

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Gallery
    Third Image : ----> Music

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Yes

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> No [too complicated, prefer sleek icons]

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 1

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 3

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> just one object to repesent all will be good.

  4. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    First Image: ------> Calls History

    Second Image: ---> Music

    Third Image : ----> Photo

    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Picture
    Third Image : ----> Playlist

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Yes

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    8. How would you rate the vector set?


    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)

    1O:The pixel icon kinda hard to see.

  5. 1.vector
    3.contact > music > gallery
    4.contact > picture > music
    10.just about the vector first image , the headphone is not obviously look like a headphone

  6. 1) vector
    2) yes
    3) a)contacts
    4) a) contacts
    b) Music
    c) photo
    10)if would look better it the carrot thingy got eyes ....

  7. vector
    no,nt reali understand wt it is

  8. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> Yes

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Calls History / Contacts / Call / Missed Calls

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts / Album / Gallery / Book

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Yes /

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> No [Because I already have my won icons. XD]

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 4

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 5

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> All in all, it's all good. But why carrots?

  9. 1.Vector set
    4.Contacts, picture, music
    10.get some improvement for the icon2.

  10. 1)Vector


    3)First Image: ------> Calls History
    Second Image: ---> Music
    Third Image : ----> Photo

    4)First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Picture
    Third Image : ----> Music



    9)No. for end-user, I won't pay

    10)1st icon from vector set, doesn't give clear picture to me.unlike 2nd n 3rd picture, it clearly bring me a msg that the picture is related to music, when i saw the music icon, and related to photo when i saw the frame.

  11. Mei Juan

    1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    ----- No

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Call
    Second Image: ---> Composer
    Third Image : ----> Gallery

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Gallery
    Third Image : ----> Music

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Yes
    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> No. It is quite difficult to get to know by the first look, especially the first icon.

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 1-Poor)

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 4-Good,

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> Modification needed for the first icon, message may nt be able to reach others (vector). Pixel one blurr until i don't understand what is that when i first saw them.

  12. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> Yes

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Call
    Second Image: ---> Music
    Third Image : ----> Photo

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Picture
    Third Image : ----> Composer

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Yes

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> Yes

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 4-Good

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 5-Excellent

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> Yes

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> a bit hard to figure out the espression of the carrot in pixel mode and vector mode is quite nice.

  13. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> no

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Gallery
    Third Image : ----> Photo

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Gallery
    Second Image: ---> Album
    Third Image : ----> Composer

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Yes

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> Yes

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 2

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 4-Good
    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No...lol

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> erm..carrots can draw bigger n more cute emotion

  14. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> No

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Call
    Second Image: ---> Music
    Third Image : ---->Gallery

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Gallery
    Third Image : ----> Music

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Yes
    But ,i canot c which is more important with the same 'degree' of colour. except for the music for the vector set, i feel it hard to c wad u wan to express, since i c the carrot b4 ur main pic.

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> No. too complicated.

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 1

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 3

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> the orange colour brighter then purple, make me focus on the carrot n nid to seek for the purple n think of wad it means.

  15. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> No

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Music
    Third Image : ----> Gallery

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Picture
    Third Image : ----> Music

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Yes

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> Yes

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 4

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 4

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> The 1st image for pixel and vector is hard to understand. The hands and legs of the carrot were hard to see clearly. Changing the colours is a good idea perhaps?

  16. 1.


    1st image - contacts
    2nd image - music
    3rd image - photo

    1st image - contacts
    2nd image - album
    3rd image - playlist


    Yes, but only for 2nd and 3rd pic.




    I can't really get what is the main meaning in 1st image. It might look like simple but i still can't get the meaning if compare with others.Anyway, make it simple and straight to the ponint..Haha xD ...keep it up

  17. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> No

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Call
    Second Image: ---> Music
    Third Image : ----> Gallery

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Book
    Second Image: ---> Gallery
    Third Image : ----> Music

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Yes

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> No, for me simple looks better =)

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 1-Poor

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 3-Average

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> Comments and suggestions.

  18. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> Yes

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Call
    Second Image: --->music
    Third Image : ---->photo

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> photo
    Third Image : ----> playlist

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Yes

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> Yes, kinda cute

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 3

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 4

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> no

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> d carrot is quite nice but mayb d vector 3rd pic. can b improve to show more wat it represents, n wat's the green thing bhind it?

  19. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> Yes. i witnessed its birth.

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Call
    Second Image: ---> Music (i think you're looking for 'conductor')
    Third Image : ----> Gallery

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Gallery
    Third Image : ----> Music

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> not really, the purple could be better though it isn't bad. try other colors which catch attention more nicely (dark green?)

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> I would if i wanted a carrot theme.

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 4

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 4

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No... there are just so many great free icons. Never heard of people buying icons before. (besides if i really wanted them but cant get it free i'll just remake them)

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> good job on the vector overall gloss effect and shadow. good job on the pixel details.
    should try (and propose) other color then purple.
    the pixel music note looks like its cutting through the carrot

  20. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Pixel

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> No

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Call
    Second Image: ---> Music
    Third Image : ----> Gallery

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Book
    Second Image: ---> Album
    Third Image : ----> Composer

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Yes

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> maybe yes, if i understand the icon

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 3(don understand but very special )

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 4

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> .. buy icon? .. emm how much is the market price? as a student, i wouldnt buy, coz there's a lot icon can download free. :P

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> the pixel one looks special, but it took long time to understand wat's tat about (sorry, don have art cell in my body :P ) i like the carrot with frame. the carrot look cheerful ~ (vector's icon)

  21. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> No

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Call
    Second Image: ---> Music
    Third Image : ----> Gallery

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Picture
    Third Image : ----> Music

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> Personally no. But the combination is good as it is contrast n outstanding

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> No. (but i will if the colors are changed. teehee)

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> (4-Good)

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> (4-Good)

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> like the design, simple n elegant. like the hands, legs n shoes of the vector set that has a lil metallic feel
    oh ya, the contact icon, the bluetooth thingy looks like sony earphones, if there werent a book i would think tht it is music (like the pixel one)

  22. 1. vector
    2. no
    3. 1st: call, 2nd: music, 3rd: photo
    4. 1st: contact, 2nd: gallery, 3rd: music
    5. yes
    6. no, unrelated to creativity (no doubt), but the icon meanings are ambiguous. e.g: the carrot holding the frame may imply photo-shots/gallery
    7. 2
    8. 4
    9. yes,market price, i feel that the icons will be good for branding, the carrot's a great copyright asset
    10. In general,
    i)the vector icon's definitely better
    ii) the meanings are ambiguous though,labeling perhaps?

  23. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> Not really

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Music
    Third Image : ----> Gallery

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Picture / Gallery
    Third Image : ----> Music

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> [not really, too many space wasted, make the color contrast to show ur icons]

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> No [not suitable and not understanding]

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> (3-Average)

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> (4-Good)

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> color too soft, purple color is not really good choice, (vector)-wasted space

  24. 1.


    first image: contacts
    second image: music
    third image: gallery

    first image: contacts
    second image: gallery
    third image: music


    yes... looks great for a theme.



    why not?? whats the market price???

    really like the vector set. minimize the brown line details in pixel set to 2 or 3 lines of details.

  25. 1.


    First Image: Contacts
    Second Image: Music
    Third Image: Photo

    First Image: Contacts
    Second Image: Photo
    Third Image: Music


    No, not very sure what they mean.



    Probably not, don't see the need for new icons. Also prefer more conventional icons that are easier to interpret.

    Pixel set is abit low resolution. Vector set is fine resolution wise. Other than that, it's a matter of preference if you like it or not. Personally I prefer more traditional/conventional designs.

  26. 1. Vector
    2. Yes
    3. 1st= Call, 2nd= Composer, 3rd= Photo
    4. 1st= Contacts, 2nd= Gallery, 3rd= Composer
    5. No... not really
    6. No.... Not cute enough... lol
    7. 2
    8. 4
    9. No
    10. for me it looks kinda ok but i wouldn't wanna use it... dun like the thing.. mayb it's just me... sorry

  27. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> Yes

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Call
    Second Image: ---> Composer
    Third Image : ----> Photo

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Picture
    Third Image : ----> Composer

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> erm, purple wid orange is nice, but green come out feel bit no match.

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> Yes ,it is simple n cheerful.

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 2

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 4.5

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.

  28. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Music
    Third Image : ----> Gallery

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Gallery
    Third Image : ----> Music

    5. Do you like the color combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> it looks ok. Maybe too much striking colors on it,can try other colors.

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> maybe, if I'm in the carrot mood.

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 4

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 4

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> No

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> The overall composition looks nice, just try other colors for the purple.either choose a darker color to make the carrot look more striking or vice versa.

  29. 1. Which would you prefer, pixel set or vector set?
    -----> Vector

    2. Do you understand all the icon set?
    -----> No

    3. Referring to Pixel set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Music
    Third Image : ----> Photo

    4. Referring to Vector set, which would best describe them?
    First Image: ------> Contacts
    Second Image: ---> Picture
    Third Image : ----> Music

    5. Do you like the colour combination of Purple, Orange, and Green?
    -----> No, green and orange is great but the purple doesn't match. Should try black instead.

    6. Would you use these icon set?
    -----> Yes, it creative and brilliant.

    7. How would you rate the pixel set?
    -----> 5 over 5

    8. How would you rate the vector set?
    -----> 6 over 5

    9. Would you pay for these Icon sets? (If yes, how much would you offer for these icons?)
    -----> Yes, RM 10/each. It is better if i can get it free.

    10. Would like to hear some opinions and suggestions of these icons set.
    -----> Great job. Would like to see apple as the character. ^^
