Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Beautiful Websites @ Web Design 1

Tutorial Site Link for Reference @ Web Design 1

Adobe Photoshop:

Adobe Illustrator:

Apart from these few links, Youtube is very useful for there photoshop and illustrator tutorial since they provide audio and visual support.

3 Ideas For "How To..." Project @ Web Design 1


1. WHO AM I -You
2. WHO ARE YOU - You
3. WHAT FOR - To re-discover youself at times where you lost your faith, belief and passion towards humanity.
4. 1st TASK - Look back into the past in search for the times where you were most happiest.
5. 2nd TASK - Open your eyes and pay attention to what goes by.
6. 3rd TASK - Notice what makes you mad or upset.
7. 4th TASK - Write in a Journal everyday.
8. 5th TASK - Listen to your body.
7. OUTCOME - Lead a happier and more meaningful life.

[Rationale : For the past 21 years in my life, I thought I'm able to change the world with goodness, as long as I'm strong enough and take kindness actions whenever I could, I'm able to change the stereotype perception of people that the world is full of danger and bad. I believe and have faith that there are good people, but just too afraid of the worst, and acted defensive in many situation. However, a series of disastrous happenings lead me to think I find myself lost in at this moment of my life. Feeling many things in life has lost its meaning and I started to question the reasons we exist in this world, only to create hatred, anger, and sufferings. Are we living because the fear of death? or living the way how the community shaped us to be? Well, upon my quest in search of my real and true self again, I thought I could use this channel to help people who are in need to search for themselves by letting know how I'm going to do it.]


1. WHO AM I -Human
2. WHO ARE THEY - Society
3. WHAT FOR? - Making world a better place.
4. 1st TASK - Understand and know yourself.
5. 2nd TASK - Strong belief and faith towards the world.
6. 3rd TASK - Initiate and influence people through good deeds.
7. OUTCOME - Influence people to believe the world could be still much better.

[Rationale: It was back when I was still in my secondary years, where I was well known by many people in the school where I'm capable of doing many things. From managing a class as a class monitor till assisting the school in improving its school facilities. At that moment, I wasn't clear what I was trying to achieve, may it be fame, or wanted control over things, but I done many things that not all people at my age can achieve. I got into a lot of trouble sometimes, even it's thing which none of my business. Here, I see that front class students are always in front, given priority, highly look upon them, while end class students always receive the stereotype treatment that they don't want to study and don't deserve any higher administration position in clubs. That lead me to have the idea of changing the world, that all of us are equal. ] 


1. WHO AM I -Friend
2. WHO ARE THEY - People who needs a good listener during depression period.

3. WHAT FOR? - Help them out from their hard times.
4. 1st TASK - Pay full attention to them when talking.
5. 2nd TASK - Encourage to continue talking.
6. 3rd TASK - Empathy.
7. OUTCOME - Reduce bad thoughts, help people to overcome personal issues.

[Rationale: I'm a very emotionally weak person, and I'm very sensitive. I sensed what people need, and I try to help whenever possible. I always go an extra mile to help. Well, things don't turn out very good sometimes, you will be very disappointed and sad when people took advantage or criticize you. When I am down, I always hope for a good listener, but its not always easy to reach a good friend and a good listener. Thus, I'm just proposing a topic on how to be a good listener, so this would help them out when a friend approaches you and share about their feelings and thoughts.]